Author: Willem

  • Up and coming events…..

    8-10 October Radiographers’ Scientific Conference (RASCO) The fourth Radiographers’ Scientific Conference will be hosted by The Society of Radiography in Kenya (Sork). The theme this year is Radiography: Clinical and Environmental Safety’ and the venue is the Elementaita Country Lodge which is about 120 kilometers from Nairobi and located on the shores of the flamingoe…

  • Hospital Management Training – Module 6

    From 6-10 September 2010, Module 6 of the Hospital management Training in Kenya was conducted by Marc van Heijst. The first days the module concentrated on Primary Healthcare, planning and monitoring; subsequently there were lectures and group discussions about financial management. Guest lecturer Dr Bill Martin Osumba, MPH gave a presentation, named Kenya Quality Management…

  • Module 1 Medical Engineering

    The first Module of 6 for Medical Engineers was conducted from September 13 – 17 by Roel de Wilde. Twelve Medical Engineers were present. The theory lessons took place in the morning and in the afternoon the practical lessons were conducted at the department of Engineering of KMTC. The broad objective for Module 1 was…

  • Ultrasound Training in Kampala, Uganda continues…..

    From August 2nd to 12th Ultrasound training for the Batch 2 hospitals under the ORET project was conducted. This is the 5th module of a total of 6 and the 32 students present were active and eager to learn. The skills lab, where scanning skills can be practised, has been moved to a villa just…

  • Ultrasound Training in Kenya – Module 3

    The third Ultrasound Module of 4 was conducted from August 16 – 27 at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) in Nairobi. Again, the same 21 participants that were present during modules 1 and 2 attended. On the first Monday the participants handed in their practical portfolio assignment for the previous module. The teaching team gave…

  • Joint Training Schools Graduation Ceremony Kampala, Uganda

    Joint Training School Graduation was organised at Mengo hospital in Kampala, Uganda. During this graduation ceremony a total of 476 graduates consisting of Nurses, Midwives, Laboratory assistants and technicians, Ultrasonographers, Medical Radiographers and Pattern Recognition technicians received their certificate or diploma. Among the graduates were 16 students, who studied Ultrasound under the ORET project. This…

  • Casualty Care Nursing – Second Course in Kenya

    From July 5-9 the second of six Casualty Care Nursing Courses was conducted by Tineke Sportel in Nairobi, Kenya. This time, the trainers Robert Makori and Jane Achola were there to present the course. Tineke’s role was to provide support and guidance to them when neccesary. The training was a great success and the participants…

  • Emergency Care Nursing in the Dutch Antilles

    From 13 to 22 July MeduProf-S will present an introductory course ‘Emergency Care Nursing’ on the Dutch Antilles Islands of St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire under a contract with Fundashon Mariadal on Bonaire. The three islands are due to receive new ambulances (the first has already arrived) to improve the level of emergency care. The…

  • Casualty Care Nursing – First course in Kenya

    During the period June 14 until June 18, Erik van Roon returned to Kenya. After conducting the train the trainer course in May 2010 with the main topic being Casualty Care, it was now the turn of Catharine Wasike and Catherine Shitemi, two of the trainers, to provide the course. Erik’s role was to assist…

  • Curriculum Development Course continues….

    In the coming three weeks three Dutch teachers we will be going to Nairobi, Kenya to carry out three Curriculum Development Courses to continue with the course conducted in the Netherlands last November/December. The same twelve participants will be split into their specific disciplines as follows: From  8 to 12 March  : Nursing  (Operating Theatre/Sterilization and Critical Care)   From 15…